Lose Weight Quickly and Safely with EMS Training

Lose Weight Quickly and Safely with EMS Training

Lose Weight Quickly and Safely with EMS Training

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In the face of rampant obesity and metabolic disease, there is a relentless push by doctors and politicians to prescribe dangerous weight loss drugs in droves to people as young as six years old. What they don’t tell you is that weight loss shots are expensive, come with a plethora of harmful side effects, and most patients become dependent for life. But there is a better, much healthier way to lose weight and keep it off for good. 

Electric muscle stimulation (EMS) training provides a fast and effective way to lose unwanted body fat and gain muscle without drugs and their harmful side effects. With EMS, you get stronger, thinner and fitter in a fraction of the time of conventional workouts, while reaping the benefits of amazing health and boundless energy. 

Learn about the mechanisms and benefits of personalized EMS training for weight loss.

Why It’s So Hard to Lose Weight

When it comes to achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight, the cards are stacked against you. It’s more than just a matter of willpower – even the most committed dieter faces external factors that are nearly impossible to control. If you do manage to lose a few pounds through dieting, you often lose lean muscle mass along with fat, lowering your basal metabolic rate which in turn lowers your daily caloric needs.

Extrinsic obstacles to weight loss include:

  • Environmental toxins in food, air, water and consumer products that disrupt hormones and interfere with metabolism
  • A tech-driven culture that demands long hours of sitting
  • High cost and limited availability of organic and whole foods
  • Easy access to fast and ultra-processed foods
  • Disinformation and malinformation about what constitutes a healthy diet
  • Work and family demands that leave little time for exercise

The most effective equation for weight loss involves a regular exercise regimen of cardiovascular exercise and resistance training, combined with a nutrient-dense whole foods diet and optimal hydration. But when it comes to exercise, people often lack enough time or knowledge to get effective results. Weight loss drugs appear to offer a convenient shortcut, despite risky side effects and a poor track record of success. 

The Poor Track Record of Weight Loss Drugs

Weight loss drugs are not a new concept – they have been around for more than a century. Yet humans are growing fatter, world-wide, and metabolic disease goes hand-in-hand with obesity, creating a global crisis of declining health, diminishing birth rates and premature death. 

Over the past century, a number of weight loss drugs have been introduced to the public, only to be quickly discontinued due to their harmful effects on human health. 

Consider the past failures of these weight loss drugs:

  • Late 1800s: Thyroid extract was used to treat obesity, but caused hyperthyroidism in patients, along with other serious side effects.
  • 1930s: Dinitrophenol promoted weight loss but sped up metabolism so fast that it caused serious nerve damage. 
  • 1940s: Amphetamines were effective for weight loss, but were found to be highly addictive.  
  • 1960s: Rainbow pills combined amphetamines, digitalis and diuretics, causing several deaths before being pulled from the market. 
  • 1971: An appetite suppressant called Aminorex caused hypertension in European patients and was removed from the market.
  • 1997: Meridia (sibutramine), a neurotransmitter reuptake inhibitor, won FDA approval but was pulled from the market in 2010 after being linked to increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
  • 1997: Fenfluramine was widely prescribed as part of the drug Fen-Phen until it was pulled from the market for causing heart valve problems.
  • 1999: Xenical (orlistat) reduces fat absorption by inhibiting pancreatic lipase. The drug was FDA-approved for long-term use and is still available today, but it is known to cause kidney stones, interferes with fat-soluble vitamin absorption, causes abdominal and bladder pain, and triggers urgent bowel movements. 
  • 2004: Ephedra, a popular ingredient in fitness supplements, was banned by the FDA for causing abnormal heart rate, elevating blood pressure, and leading to stroke and sudden death. 
  • 2009: Popular Hydroxycut-brand diet supplements were pulled from the market after reports of liver damage.
  • 2011: The FDA rejects Contrave, a combination of the antidepressant bupropion and the opioid receptor blocker naltrexone, due to concerns about cardiovascular risks.

The latest GLP-1 receptor agonist drugs, like Ozempic and Tirzapatide, were originally developed to control type 2 diabetes by regulating insulin production. When patients on the medications also started to lose weight, the FDA approved them for weight loss in certain populations. But like their predecessors, the drugs are creating other health issues, many of which are more threatening to health than diabetes itself. 

Severe adverse side effects of GLP-1 receptor agonists include:

  • Intestinal obstruction and paralysis
  • Acute pancreatitis
  • Acute gallbladder disease
  • Thyroid problems 
  • Increased risk of suicide
  • Rapid weight regain when drugs are discontinued 

Meanwhile, a healthy diet and regular exercise remain the most effective methods for weight loss, with myriad health benefits that enhance your quality of life. EMS training hacks the time constraints of exercise and leverages technology to optimize exercise results in a fraction of the time. 

How EMS Works for Weight Loss

The human body is designed to move and to perform physical work like lifting and carrying. The sedentary nature of modern lifestyles causes muscle tissue to atrophy from disuse, resulting in a sluggish basal metabolism with low caloric demands. As muscle fibers shrink, muscles become infiltrated with fat, causing a loss in muscle tone and reducing overall physical performance.

EMS training amplifies the results of traditional progressive resistance training by leveraging technology to intensify muscle contraction. EMS allows you to quickly increase lean muscle mass, elevating your metabolism to optimize EMS fat burning. As your basal metabolism increases, fat stores will begin to shrink, and you will naturally feel more energetic throughout the day

At the same time, EMS training enhances the size and number of mitochondria – the energy-producing organelles located within muscle cells – boosting total energy production and enhancing fat metabolism. In addition to burning more fat, healthy mitochondria are known to repair DNA and combat aging. 

Why Choose EMS for Fat Loss

Weight loss is a multi-billion dollar industry, with new products and approaches emerging every day. Yet obesity is rising at alarming rates, not only in the USA, but around the world. Resistance training has always been the most effective solution for weight loss because it burns excess calories and gives tangible and lasting results over a relatively short period of time. 

EMS takes resistance training to the next level, providing personalized fitness programs that dramatically accelerate results. When combined with healthy modifications to your diet and lifestyle, EMS can help you quickly lose unwanted body fat, tone up muscles throughout your entire body, and dramatically improve your appearance and self-esteem.

Benefits of EMS for weight loss: 

  • Personalized programming customized to your unique profile
  • Short training sessions lasting 20 to 30 minutes
  • Fast results that keep you motivated
  • Get ongoing support from certified personal trainers

By choosing EMS for fat loss, you not only avoid the negative side effects of weight loss drugs and fad diets, but you can improve your overall health, reverse signs of aging, increase your energy, and dramatically improve your quality of life.

Lose Excess Fat and Feel Amazing with Amplified EMS Training for Weight Loss

With obesity and metabolic disease on the rise, consumers are looking for quick and easy solutions for weight loss. But weight loss drugs always have negative side effects, many of them life-threatening. EMS training offers a safe and healthy alternative for getting in shape and losing weight. 

At Amplified EMS, our personal trainers give you the support and encouragement you need to reach your weight loss goals and improve your health through evidence-based resistance training technology. Contact Amplified EMS today, and begin your journey toward a leaner, stronger body, and improved quality of life.